Release of Liability
I understand that by participating in any Leaf and Loaf, llc or Fun with Food Activity, whether in person, virtual or online, that it is ultimately my responsibility to be sure my child is safe and in a supervised environment during any Fun with Food class. Leaf and Loaf, llc can in no way control the safety of students remotely and virtually. I voluntarily release and discharge Leaf and Loaf, llc from any cause of action, loss, damage, claim or demand of any nature.
Food Allergies
Leaf and Loaf, llc is not in any way responsible for any allergic reactions resulting from a food allergy. It is the responsibility of the adult monitoring the student in person to disclose any food allergies prior to registering in a class. It is also the responsibility of the adult monitoring the student in person to be aware of food allergies prior to food consumption. Leaf and Loaf, llc or Sue Snape are not responsible for any consequential damages due to food allergies.
Leaf and Loaf, llc is not responsible for any damages relating to improper handling of food, including grocery or market mishandling, client mishandling of any remaining food or contamination. I understand that it is my responsibility to handle the food in such a way that will reduce the risk of food-borne illness.
I understand and acknowledge that food consumption has inherent risks of food-borne illness that are outside the realm of control of Leaf and Loaf, llc. I agree that Leaf and Loaf, llc holds no responsibility for any damages or liabilities associated with food preparation, including potential damage to person or property, as relates to the classroom preparation of food and hands-on activities. I understand and acknowledge that the act of preparing food has significant risks regarding equipment and methods used in food preparation. Leaf and Loaf, llc is not in any way liable for any damages to person or property.